Monday, May 10, 2010

Zero2Illo, Jannie Ho, and they-draw-and-cook

I joined a blog for aspiring illustrators called Zero2Illo this week. It is put together by Jonathan Woodwards who is a designer with a passion and goal to become a full time illustrator. The blog is a place to “expose yourself” and get feedback from other like minded people aspiring to be professional illustrators. 

As is always the case with these things, as I read through the posts I find the most interesting things that carry me down the rabbit hole so to speak into a world of wonder. Jonathan posts interviews with amazing illustrators—and when I check out their sites and blogs, I find myself intoxicated with excitement about the things I see.

The first interview I stumbled on was about Jannie Ho. Amazing digital artist!
You must check it out. On her blog she posted about they draw and cook blog.
What an amazing idea! Artists from all over the world illustrate their favourite recipe. And if all goes well, they will be compiled into a book.

There I found this great illustration by Salli Swindell. Of course I checked out her blog.

There went my morning!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your kind words! :-) Best of luck to you over at zero2illo!
